About quality monitoring

Quality monitoring is a hot topic in call center management. Without monitoring, it can be difficult to get the most out of your associates and customer interactions. It helps management keep a hand on the pulse of the call center, and provides the right information to make decisions that will improve customer service.

Quality monitoring usually refers to the recording and review of calls. This is used to measure and manage associate performance. It also usually encompasses data gathering, such as call statistics and customer/customer satisfaction information.

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Why quality monitoring is important

It is necessary to ensure peak associate performance. It also highlights opportunities for training and allows for more effective performance management. Additionally, the data gathered from the monitoring process can be used to improve call center operations, and make strategic decisions.

Without monitoring, a customer contact center is truly operating blind. Given the enormous benefit and relatively low cost of implementing a quality monitoring system, it just doesn’t make sense not to do it.

How to implement improvement in your call center

These steps may serve as a guide to help your organization understand the process of implementing a quality monitoring system.

  • Identify the business case- What does your business hope to achieve from implementing quality monitoring? How will your metrics and customer satisfaction be impacted?
  • Consult with stakeholders- Make sure input and buy in is received from all stakeholders, including associates, who will interact with the system. You may be surprised at what you can learn from the individuals in the trenches.
  • Blueprint the requirements- Quality monitoring doesn’t have to be one size fits all. Give some thought to the specific needs and goals of your organization, and identify what is important to you. This will help you better evaluate potential partners and packages.
  • Find the right partner for implementation- It’s crucial to work with a company that has not only sophisticated technology, but an understanding of the needs of the business.

Choosing your quality monitoring partner, Evaluate Quality in Scottsdale AZ

Implementing quality monitoring is not overly complicated, but you will still want to work with an experienced partner in order to get the best possible benefits out of monitoring in your call center. Whether you are in the Phoenix or Scottsdale AZ area or anywhere in the United States, the experienced team at Evaluate Quality can help design a software service for your quality monitoring needs.

Evaluate Quality, founded by Sage Advantage, is located in the Scottsdale/Phoenix area and has helped many large and small operations get the most out of call center monitoring. Their experienced team can guide you through determining exactly what your organization needs and how to get it. Contact them now for your no obligation demonstration.