Call monitoring QA for a better client experience

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Call monitoring QA is important for your company, no matter what industry or how big or small your company is. If you don’t maintain the desired level of quality for your products or services, your customers will not be happy and your business will not be as successful as is possible.


It’s also important to track your quality assurance by analytics and reporting. You can use this data to coach and train your call center team for continual improvement.  With immediate feedback and analysis available you can start taking action with informed decisions and create a healthy and productive call center environment that has a better, faster and more productive process and results.  Once you identify needs, you can use this data for training and coaching your call center. Improved QA results in greater sales conversions and higher customer satisfaction, once your company has a call monitoring QA program in place. This is one of the most powerful tools your company can purchase.  You will keep customers longer, get more referrals from your customers, and have higher customer satisfaction and increase sales and business growth.

Use a professional to determine your ideal quality evaluation quantity

There is no one size fits all in call monitoring QA. Different businesses have different needs. There are many variables to consider including: the nature of your business, the number of transactions, the agent’s tenure, the ability to analyse results and the need for random sampling. Decide if you are evaluating compliance or quality. .

Evaluate Quality™

Evaluate Quality, cloud based program was developed from Sage Advantage.  Sage Advantage, located in Scottsdale AZ, is a quality management service provider for call centers. The technology used by experts is now available to all. With over 15 years in development, these tools are now available to all types industries and companies- large and small, and both public and private sectors. You can contact Evaluate Quality and Sage Advantage for a free consultation and they will figure out exactly the Call Monitoring QA processes you need to fit your budget and goals. This quality management tool is independent, cloud based, and covers all aspects of the quality assurance process including: evaluation, calibration- with real time results and data, trend analysis, coaching, appeals and predictive analysis- to plan for the future.  There is no software or hardware to provide, and technical support is provided by Sage Advantage.

Call monitoring software is a must have tool for any business that wants to keep their clients longer and increase their value.  Evaluate Quality™ offers a call monitoring software that can be customized to the unique needs of each business.  Contact us today to schedule a consultation and demonstration.