What is call monitoring software?

Call monitoring software is an essential for any business with a contact center. Whether your organization is large or small, it is inefficient to operate a call center without having call monitoring software.

Many businesses in Phoenix, Scottsdale, and elsewhere struggle to find and implement call monitoring center. Or, they may have a call monitoring solution in place already, but find that it doesn’t appropriately meet their business needs. In such cases, it’s best to pursue and alternate solution.

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Call center monitoring software serves several functions for a business:

  • It assists in measuring and managing associate performance
  • It identifies training needs and performance improvement opportunities
  • It provides important data regarding customer contacts
  • It offers information to gauge customer loyalty and satisfaction
  • It provides data to drive metrics that improve business performance and bottom line profitability.

Where can I get call monitoring software?

If you are looking to implement or upgrade the call monitoring software utilized by your business, you have many options to choose from. It is vital to do your research and choose wisely, as an improper or inappropriate call monitoring software choice can be a costly mistake that negatively impacts call center performance.

Some of the most critical features for call monitoring software are ease of use and customization. Too many companies implement cumbersome, overly complicated and difficult to maintain systems. By doing so, they create problems in managing and troubleshooting the software, and lose the agility that a more nimble system can bring.

A software solution like Evaluate Quality is designed to be completely simple and user friendly, despite the sophistication of its design and data.  Evaluate Quality can be tailored and customized to your business needs, ensuring that you get all of the value possible from the system without paying for anything extraneous. 

How long does it take to implement call monitoring software?

Implementation time for call monitoring software varies depending on the solution you choose, the features you are including, and the size and scope of your call center. Most importantly, you should plan adequate time to define and blueprint the needs of your organization and the specific features and benefits you need to receive from your call monitoring solution. This will save you time and headaches during the implementation process.

Evaluate Quality and Sage Advantage- Scottsdale, Phoenix AZ and the United States

If you are looking for a new call monitoring software solution, or if you’d like to replace your existing one, start by calling the experts at Evaluate Quality. Though based in the Scottsdale/Phoenix area, Evaluate Quality has helped businesses large and small all over the country with their call monitoring needs. Contact Evaluate Quality, founded by Sage Advantage, today for a demonstration of their sophisticated call center management solution.